Amanda Adolfsson

After earning a degree from Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts, Amanda now has many years experience on set.
She lithely moves between different genres with a special ability to make young people spark, this can be seen in the Netflix series Barracuda Queens, but also in the young adult drama EAGLES which she created for SVT. Much of what Amanda creates also has a comic twist – which is why she loved directing The Bonusfamily.
Amanda’s films are visually appealing with strong identification but with natural performances by the actors. She’s always aiming to combine this; to both touch and seduce! This is perhaps most noticeable in the monster film Nelly Rapp, which was nominated for 5 Guldbagge awards. Also her debut Unga Sophie Bell, whose insta-friendly style can be described as pink, fluffy and glittery, and which got nominated for best female actor (Felice Jankell). In the world of film, you can do what you want and Amanda seems to think that we have had enough of kitchen sink realism. That’s the reason she choses to eat Princess Cake for lunch whenever she gets the chance.